Tate Table Easel

We now offer our Tate table easels for hire.

Table Easels – great for smaller items

Table easels are a great option when you have a counter, desktop, table or other surface where you can display an item. While they may not be suited to display large items as our other easels are, they are a neat solution where you have a smaller item, and also where floor space or layout constraints apply.

Hire Rates

Our hire rates for table easels are:

Duration Rate
One day (24 hrs) $17.50
Two – Three days $24.50
One Week $28.00
Per week longer $22.00

Table Easel Benefits

  • Easy transport – being small, you can transport table easels very easily.
  • Easy setup – it takes no time at all to set up table easel, with no separate parts to be assembled.
  • Easily relocated – don’t like where it is sitting? Simple, pick it up and move it.
  • No floor space needed – use your counter / bench / desk / table space. No need to think about people walking around easel legs.
  • Cheaper to hire – who can argue with that?