Often our Prado easels are used with no easel top brackets at all. You’ll notice in many of our images that there is no easel top bracket present.

However, there may be cases where you wish to use a top bracket to help keep the image stable, such as:

  • your image is light (e.g. corflute) and there may be a breeze that could dislodge it
  • you expect a crowd of people, and someone might bump an image
  • the images are close together or in a tight space, and someone moving around might bump one
  • the images are large and you want to ensure nothing moves
  • you want to move an easel with an image on it, and you don’t want to risk it falling
Art Show Partitioning Easel wooden top bracket for framed images and those thicker than 9mm
Easel wooden top bracket for framed images and those thicker than 9mm
Art Show Partitioning Sliding Easel top bracket for images up to 9mm thick (e.g. corflute, foamcore)
Sliding Easel top bracket for images up to 9mm thick (e.g. corflute, foamcore)

If you think you may need top brackets, we have two top bracket styles to suit different image thicknesses.

Easel Wooden Top Bracket

The more substantial top bracket is an angled wooden block with wing nuts at the back to secure the position on the easel mast. This provides a firm grip to prevent the image moving away from the mast, or tilting to the left or right. Of course, it is adjustable up and down on the easel mast so it can sit firmly against the image.

Sliding Easel Top Bracket

For images up to 9mm thick (e.g. corflute, foamcore) we have developed a simple sliding top bracket that drops over the top of the mast, to hold the top of the image to the mast. This bracket relies on gravity to sit on top of the image with a lip to prevent the image moving away from the mast (e.g. if there is a breeze).

Top Bracket Thoughts

Most situations are just fine without using top brackets, but if you think you’ll need top brackets just let us know and we’ll include them with the easels.

One other note – you’ll see that the top bracket fits over the easel mast, and as the Eiffel easel doesn’t have a mast, the top brackets are applicable only to the Prado easels.